Thank you so much for deciding to take the next steps with us. 

Next Session August 11th-25th


Next Session August 11th-25th 〰️

We are better together

Step one: where we came from and how to get connected

Come with us on a journey through the history of Grace Fellowship, and learn more about how you and your family can get involved in a Connect Group, and get more out of your church experience.

step two: why is serving so important

People want to be a part of something big. There are thousands of causes and charities that people endorse and give time, money and energy to. What better mission is there to serve than the local church?

step three: lunch with pastor

This final session of Next Steps is an opportunity for you and your family to get to know Pastor Tony and his wife Trisha, as he shares about the vision of our church and the benefits and importance of membership at Grace Fellowship.

Next Session

August 11-25 November 3-17